速報APP / 生產應用 / Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖1)-速報App

Write anything you want with your VOICE, no need to look up for characters.

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖2)-速報App

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text can Easily type your native language, Just Type Nepali with use of many functions like Voice Typing Keyboard, Nepali Voice & Indic Typing Keyboard, Indic Typing Keyboard.

Use of Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text, (नेपाली):

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖3)-速報App

>> Nepali Voice & Indic Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text used to get Nepali typed smooth and automatically on speaking Nepali sentences or typing direct as HINGLISH.

>> Press MIC button and speak in Nepali to get Nepali text automatically typed.

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖4)-速報App

>> Nepali Voice & Indic Typing Keyboard to share using different application as text message, use it to chat on chatting application.

>> Use with many ways like you can tweet in Nepali, draft a text message in Nepali, send message on social websites in Nepali, learn how to write Nepali and many more ways.

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖5)-速報App

>> Type using voice or indic anywhere you like.

Some Key Features Of Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text:

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖6)-速報App

+ No memorizing key positions.

- Simple and intuitive typing in Nepali keyboard using regular English (QWERTY) keyboard.

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text(圖7)-速報App

+ No fluency in Nepali is required.

- Voice Typing Keyboard encourages users to think in their language.

Nepali Voice Typing Keyboard - Speech To Text will help you to write your articles faster and this will provide you a good quality speech recognition.